Business Intelligence reports in innovative business models
Global born can provide you the relevant insights in terms of business intelligence reports to earn some time vis-à-vis your competitors generating new business models or new streams of income.In the following section, the focus of this business intelligence report is on the necessity to generate new business models based on a full benchmark of the competitor practices. Many comments have been said to create Blue Ocean (Kim and Mauborgne) instead of Red Ocean as Porter did to make your competitors become irrelevant thanks to your new products/services or solutions.
The canvas depicted by Osterverlder and Pigneur goes I the same direction while insisting on how to depict at best the 9 blocks about value proposition, streams of income and elements of expenses.
But these two frameworks offer the best solution. Nevertheless, most of the time, companies will not be able to reach that goal. Therefore, the second best solution in the current globalized world where we are now is related to the ability to integrate the elements of the innovative business models your executives could gather from other competitors in the world, keeping in mind the future synergies of technologies.
When Mapfre, the Spanish insurer, goes to Andean countries to understand the parametrization of the risk for extremely low loans, it matches with its future expansion in low income countries and the ability to provide solutions to the bottom of the pyramid.
Indeed, the ability to benchmark and then to replicate the key success factors elements perceived in another competitor for your own company defines the future winners of the globalization.