Internal, External & Online Audits
At Global born, we have a straightforward approach concerning the audit methodology that let the control to the client at each stage of the audit. Our past experience indicates us that this is the best way to generate trust between us.
Indeed, trust is fundamental to fully understand your organization and provide valuable insights to your company management.
Hereafter are presented three types of audit methodology. Please keep into consideration that in the case of external audit (or mission of internationalization), it will be mandatory to go through an internal audit first to know at best YOUR company and to avoid any possible mismatch in the future.
In the following section, the different stages of the audit are explained. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact Global born.
Internal Audits
The first stage of the internal audit will always be to understand the lag between the mission, the vision and the current situation of the client that is, by definition, under the bar fixed by the management or the shareholders. Contrasting these previous elements with internal resources, capabilities, a possible competitive advantage, the core competencies of the entity and the wished positioning will favor the definition of the contours of Global born mission. At this stage, Global born will systematically deliver a report that will be challenged by the client management. It could lead to an approval, to some nuances of the report or to a negation to go further. The report will include the pre-defined workload and possible cases of deviation and impact on the workload. As it is stipulated before, the client has always the control to stop the mission at each stage. Initially, the report will be set up with interviews with a few stakeholders, normally the management and shareholders, but later on, Global born should have access to all stakeholders involved within the company, not to miss any piece of the puzzle. When Global born mandate is clear, the second stage can start. Most of the times, we are used to deal with several types of internal audits:- Single target mission
- Complex missions involving internal audit in a domestic place with international relations, be it an internationalization, the analysis of a subsidiary/branch or a provider. In this case, External and online audits will be set up as well.
External Audits
As said before, external audits will never suppose the starting point of a relation. It will always go through an internal audit first to apprehend globally the client. At the end of the complex mission involving internationalization, several cases can occur:- The client has not the internal capabilities to move forward into the target market because the strategy will be doomed to failure (lack of webpage in English, lack of internal talent, product adaptation to the target- market, etc…). Therefore, some internal adjustments are required to move forward. Global born can help the client in adapting to the requirements of the target market.
- The client has the internal capabilities to move forward. Is he eager to go? Let´s go for it. But, as you already know, Global born let the control to the client to decide whether they will move forward or not.